Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Meet the Diva

About 4 months ago, I saw a review from Michelle Money on the Diva Cup. After I got over the shock of a review on a product so personal, I decided to give it a try, and write a review of my own.

Let me tell you. Best. Decision. EVER.

Being a woman isn't always easy. I know men go through a lot of things, but lets face it. Women take the brunt of it all. We have the privilege of periods. The blessings of bearing a child. Dealing with emotions and hormones that only other fellow women truly understand.

I'm sure this may be TMI, but hey, that's why this is a blog, and it's not being posted to FB. Aunt Flo tends to hit me a little harder than other women, its always been that way. I learned to lose sleep during my cycle because I was continually waking up to change my feminine products so I wouldn't wake up in a huge pool of prizes. I first visited a gynecologist at the ripe old age of 14 because I was a heavy bleeder and my cramps were said to be the equivalent of labor pains. I thought this was something I would just have to deal with until I had a baby, that's when the doctors said everything would calm down, but sometimes that just takes too dang long. You can imagine my excitement when I learned about the Diva Cup. I figured I had nothing else to lose so I hopped in the car, and searched one out.

I'm not going to lie, it definitely wasn't love at first sight. In fact, I saw the size of the cup and about hit the floor. No way is that thing fitting. However, like the NuvaRing, this thing is flexible. And quite honestly, an answer to my prayers.

The Diva Cup comes in 2 sizes, one that is for women under 30 and haven't had children, the other is women over 30 or have had children.

This easy to use, comfortable, miracle product has been a blessing for me. I, like a lot of other women in this world, am busy with every-day life. I can't stop in the middle of an appointment to run to the restroom to take care of business. It just isn't ideal. So, instead of letting Flo take a hold of my life, I decided to take a hold on her. 

So this is how she works: 

Simply fold the diva cup in half, I practiced a few times with a hair tie just to get things down. 

Fold the diva cup in half, again. It's going to be folded almost in a U shape. 

Insert. Once the Diva Cup is in place, release your hand, and rotate until it suctions. Make sure the Cup is clearly open and ready to catch what is coming out. 

At the end of the day, simply pull the tab, and empty the cup. Wipe or rinse, and replace. 

Yes, its that easy. No more carrying around a purse, or having to stack your bag before leaving the house. No more embarrassment of opening up a tampon and having it sound like your eating Sun Chips in the bathroom. 

Here are a few FAQs: 

Is it sanitary? OF COARSE! I'm not going to use anything that isn't sanitary. It's made of the highest healthcare grade silicone for extreme comfort, and as long as it is rinsed out and washed daily, its safe to use month-to-month. It even comes in a cute carrying bag for storage between cycles. 

Do I need to replace the Diva Cup monthly? No, the diva cup is reusable, just make sure you wash it and sanitize. 

Why should I use this vs a tampon? It's completely user friendly, and you can do more activities! I always worry when I'm on my cycle, of going through or having to stop halfway through to use the restroom. AND, this doesn't dry out the vaginal canal. The Diva Cup only catches what is being excreted. Because it's made of silicone, it does not suck up any liquids or good bacteria that is necessary for our lady parts to function properly. 

If you've ever given a menstrual cup a thought, give it a chance. I'm sure you will love it. 

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