Wednesday, April 16, 2014

21 Day Challenge - Day 8

I'm not sure if the workouts are getting easier, or if I'm getting stronger. Either way, I'm getting used to the challenge. The Cadbury Eggs are still sitting out. I haven't touched one. The cravings have subsided, for now, and I've somehow managed to not pass out.

When Tyson told me about the 21 day challenge, I thought it would be a breeze. Little did I know, my body was literally addicted to sugar, wheat, flour, and anything and everything that isn't good for your body. (Minus the alcohol or drugs -  we don't do that :)) Anyways, the first week was tough. Although I had no idea how long a 24 hour period really lasted, I made it. This challenge is somewhat easier for Tyson because he eats like this all the time. We took some before pictures and I almost cried when I saw mine, then looked at my husband and he's just lucky he didn't get punched. He's always had such a drive for exercising and eating well.

I haven't noticed a huge difference in my body yet, but I have noticed my energy levels are higher. My days have gone from waking up at 10 or 11, dragging through, having one or two appointments, then laying around and watching TV until it's time to go to sleep, to wide awake at 8:30, energized, hungry, and ready to go. I get so much more accomplished through out the day, and I'm actually somewhat tired around 10 when Tyson falls asleep.

I don't know how I would be able to do this without Ty. Challenges are hard, and its difficult to stick to a commitment unless you have someone else to hold you accountable for your actions. As many times as I've cursed at Tyson in my head, I'm glad he has pushed me to do this. I've been able to be more successful, happier, energized, and feel good about myself because of this challenge.

Two weeks to go… Let's hope it goes by a little quicker than the first week. And that my Easter goes without chocolate and jelly beans.

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