Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Kayla Itsines Update - Week 14

Time sure does fly when you're having fun. I've had a few requests for my before and after shots of the Kayla Program. Please keep in mind this is also before I started my Paleo journey.


It takes a lot for me to post a photo like this on the blog for the world to see. Know I am human, and my body is a continual work in progress.

The below pictures describe what I like to call 'skinny fat'. Skinny fat is when a person is skinny, but not really toned or in shape - more fat. It's hard growing up being criticized about your size. Everyone thinks I've never struggled with weight issues, or thought my body image was just what they wanted. This was not the case with me. I'm not sure if it's because I'm always reading magazines, or looking through my Victoria's Secret catalogue, but I was not happy with my 'skinny-fat' body. So, with the help of my husband, we turned paleo. It's been an entire year since that decision and honestly, it's been one of the best. I feel great, my skin looks great, and I have more energy. Combine that with my Kayla workouts, and I'm just peachy.

Yikes. How embarrassing. My sweet husband is always so encouraging, saying things like 'You don't need to change' or 'I think you look good no matter what'. Liar.

This is the beginning of Week 14. Keep in mind this photo was taken at 8:30 pm, so after I had eaten and drank my water for the day.

By no means am I perfect, and I definitely have a long ways to go. But, I found that once I post something on the blog, it tends to hold me more accountable. Weekly progress pics from here until the first week of July. Hopefully. 

Keep it up, fitness friends! You are only as strong as your weakest self!


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